Smart Whiteboard Paint is a high performance dry erase paint that can transform any smooth surface into a writable area.
Smarter Surfaces’ whiteboard wall paint is an environmentally friendly option with industry-beating low VOC levels, compared to competitors. All our products are Isocyanate-free and are safe to apply with people in the room with some ventilation.
Unlike traditional whiteboards, with Smarter Surfaces Whiteboard Paint you’ll have unlimited space to work and can create a dry erase surface in any size you want. Transform entire walls into writable surfaces to create a limitless workspace.
Whiteboard paints are ideal for when you require the functionality of a whiteboard but want to maintain a minimal and sleek workspace environment. Or if you don’t want to damage the integrity of the existing surface. Our Smart Whiteboard Paint has a quality finish that will remain stain resistant with no risk of ghosting.
Purchase Smart Whiteboard Paint here